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Comparative analysis of the development of CNC machine tools and CNC machine tools in the world
    点击数:8255         日期:2014/4/4
It is reported that the Eighth China CNC Machine Tool Show will be held prior to the Shanghai New International Expo Center. The exhibition aims to foster domestic CNC machine tool market , promote the industrialization process of China-made CNC machine tools . In recent years, China's CNC machine tool industry from the development of situation, if you want to promote domestic CNC machine tool industry need to increase development efforts .
Status of China Machine Tool Industry
A serious problem facing today 's CNC machine tool industry is dominated by imports of high-end CNC machine tools . CNC machine tools imported from the data volume point of view, since November 2012 , China's CNC machine tool imports a whole showed a downward trend , however, has been rising import prices , which may indicate that rising imports of high-end CNC machine tools . Do not say the machine itself , CNC machine tool automation is the main product of intelligent level of its numerical control system is an important indicator of determining the level of CNC machine tools . However , 90% of China's CNC system needs to be imported from abroad. Domestic CNC systems, especially high-end CNC system compared with foreign technology , whether it is precision, stability or reliability , the gap is still very obvious.
Developments made ​​CNC machine tools
Relevant market statistics show that domestic CNC machine tools CNC machine tools based mainly on middle and low , and high-end CNC machine tools market is mainly occupied foreign . From a number of professional procurement sites, such as Le Bai machine for purchase online product information, the most high-end CNC machine tools are foreign brands. With the rapid development of China's equipment manufacturing industry , industry demand is growing significantly , the corresponding domestic CNC machine tool industry also will be rapid development, China's CNC machine tool technology products both in the high-speed , precision , or other aspects of composite breakthrough has been made , however, in terms of reliability , accuracy or other aspects of the international advanced level and there is a big gap .
From domestic CNC machine tool industry as a whole , China's high-end CNC machine tools is the development of the industry 's largest short board , the biggest obstacle is also the industrial upgrading. In response to this situation , the state plans to implement a "high-end CNC machine tools and basic manufacturing equipment ," the major science and technology , including more than a dozen projects , more than fifty issues surrounding CNC machine systems, features , digital tools and meter system , stamping equipment , forging equipment, made ​​a detailed study of the development plan . Because CNC machine tools are the workhorses of the equipment manufacturing industry , high-end CNC machine tools is the defense , aerospace, automotive and other major manufacturing industries fundamental facilities , only the high-end CNC machine control applications , in order to occupy the high ground in the equipment manufacturing industry .
CNC machine tool industry to bring innovation to the dawn
After years of low-end , after the development of China's CNC machine tool industry is now an urgent need to enhance the competitiveness of the industry , take the high development route . Innovation is the fundamental driving force for the development of the industry, want to implement to improve the technical level of CNC machine tool industry , we must focus on innovation capacity platform. In the " high-end CNC machine tools and basic manufacturing equipment" major science and technology , and there is " platform innovation capacity building" in this research project , including industry platform technology and equipment innovation capacity building , complex CNC tool platform on topics such as innovation capacity . With the advance of CNC machine tool industry and the research , so that China's CNC machine tool technology has been significantly improved, which led to the development of the market made ​​CNC machine tools and CNC systems and related features for the domestic machine tool market expansion provides a good condition .
Eighth China CNC Machine Tool Show will show the level of China's CNC machine tool sectors currently . It is foreseeable that significantly improve the technical level , the strong support of national policy , China's CNC machine tool industry market will move toward healthy development, the development of industries and enterprises are bound to get better and better .
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